Your Sunday Coffee Run
Whether you're a runner or a walker, come have a good time with your local coffee roasters running or walking with friends followed by coffees, sauna and ice-bath after! Or if you are not a runner why not just join us for contrast therapy and coffee!
Runners and walkers of all levels are welcome.
Prams and dogs also welcome on the walking route.
Join us for some delicious coffees and connect with the community after.
We will be onsite with our mobile contrast therapy studio offering sauna and icebath sessions.
Sunday, February 23rd
Meet up at 7 am
Serving coffees from 7 am
Contrast therapy open for sauna and icebath sessions from 7.00am
Runners led by Trent and James
7 km loop
10 km loop
Walkers led by Victoria
6 km loop
Event hosted and led by Your Local Coffee Roasters
Things to bring for TWC Contrast Therapy Session:
Towel for sitting on in the sauna
You may like a second towel for drying off after the Ice Bath
Running clothes, togs, crops, whatever you feel comfortable for contrast therapy
Warm clothes to change into afterwards
Make sure you book a timeslot for the “Your Local Sunday Sauna Sesh” -
Beginners welcome - all about trying something new in a safe, supportive and fun environment. The team will be onsite to help with any questions, build your confidence and help you sweat, grow, move and connect.
Check out the official event by clicking here
Terms and Conditions of participation available here